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 Body Contouring

Body Measurements

Radio-frequency from £35


Radio frequency is a skin tightening treatment for the face and body.

The treatment uses radio frequency (RF) energy to heat skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin.


Cellulite and saggy skin?


Virtually all women and many men have cellulite. scientifically proven, safe and quick way of finally defeating it making it another win/win for you and your clients. Multi-polar RF is able to penetrate to all depths of the dermis which relax the retracted fibroblasts which cause the skin to appear bumpy and dimpled. Its ability to stimulate collagen and elastin make it ideal for helping clients with loose, saggy skin or stretch marks making it an ideal complement to clients who are losing weight and need to tone up their skin to avoid surgery.


RF is the secret weapon to all mothers who want to reclaim their pre-pregnancy midriff.


Radio frequency is a fantastic add on following ultrasound Cavitation.


Can radiofrequency help reduce lines and wrinkles?

It's great for softening fine lines, especially the nose to mouth lines.

As well as lifting the cheeks and tightening the jawline it can also help tighten sagging skin around the neck. (Turkey neck)


Ultrasound Cavitation from £45



What is it and is it for me?


Ultrasound cavitation ruptures fat cells without harming any other cells or organs in the body. The fatty acids that are broken down then leave the body as waste product by travelling via the lymphatic system to be flushed from your body.


Ultrasound Cavitation can be combined with any of our other body contouring treatments such as the Fat Freezing,Skin Tightening or fat dissolving injections for even more effective results.


Which areas are suitable?


Following this lifting, toning and improving the texture and appearance of skin with Multi polar Radio frequency. A course of treatments are advised, independent on clients expectations and thickness of fat. 

No down time and results are permanent providing clients follow a healthy diet and follow aftercare. 

Cellulite Reduction Treatment from £39

Fight that dreaded Cellulite with our innovative technologies.


We use multiple techniques when tackling cellulite....

Mesotherapy, Microneedling, ultrasound cavitation, vacuum therapy and even fat freezing.


Cellulite can affect any woman of any age, shape or size. It presents itself from a mild dimpled appearance to a more severe, lumpy and uneven appearance and tends to sit more on the legs and butt area. 

Cellulite is made up of enlarged fat cells, trapped fluid and toxins as well as hard connective tissue.There are two forms of cellulite hot and cold so a consultation is advised before any treatment to determine what stage the cellulite is at, assess clients lifestyle and advise what course of treatments are best to achieve best results.


Our cellulite reduction treatments help clients to improve the texture and appearance of the skin and boost your body confidence.

We also offer free nutritional advise alongside treatments to ensure clients maintain long lasting results.

For more information or to book your FREE consultation get in touch

Lower Body

Liquid Lipo

Fat dissolving treatment from £45.00 





LIQUID LIPO is an ultra-fast fat reduction treatment that will change the way you lose weight with noticeably visible results in just 5 days – without cosmetic surgery and zero recovery time.

LIQUID LIPO is extremely effective for reducing those stubborn bands of fat around your belly, buttocks, arms and thigh areas without spending months in the gym.

The Future of Fat Reduction is Here.

Where can it be applied?

LIQUID LIPO is applied directly to the body areas where you want to remove excess fat, such as your belly, arms, buttocks or thighs.

One applied, LIQUID LIPO is absorbed through the pores of your skin and immediately starts to break down and shrink stubborn fat cells that lie deep within your skin’s subcutaneous tissue.

Fat within your subcutaneous puts you at risk for Type 2 Diabetes, Breast Cancer, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Alzheimer's and Colorectal Cancer.

Traditionally, these fat cells have always been extremely difficult to reduce – even with a healthy diet and exercise – but not for liquid Lipo.

During 3000 clinical trials, over 99.95% of people have successfully lost fat with LIQUID LIPO.

I have a wrap before Is this a water loss treatment??

Sculpting is different to Wrapping as it compresses the area causing the fat to be condensed and inflammation to be reduced.

You will need to drink water afterwards to flush the liquid fat left over from compression. This is completely differently from regular cling-film wraps which just temporarily reduces water.

Today over several thousand bottles in the first few weeks of manufacture in 2020.

Previous to this, 2018/19 and 2020 trials were completed. Researchers used 100 participants in a double-blind independent measures test.

50% received a placebo. 50% received Liquid Lipo.
In every test conducted, 95+% participants had lower fat levels following drinking / flushing with 2 litres.

However the placebo ONLY reduced water levels – NOT FAT in 99.99% of the participants.

Over 3,000 clients, or participants in trials have received LIQUID LIPO treatment with 95% successfully losing fat.

We can also offer this treatment to clients with conjunction with ultrasound cavitation! By combining the two treatments, cavitation helps to double your treatment results.

Clients also have the option to enhance clinic treatment results in between clinic sessions by doing a home kit.

Stubborn scar tissue like C-section scars can also be treated in clinic with another product from this range!



For more information or to book your FREE consultation get it touch 

Checking Weight

Fat Freezing (Cryopolisis) from £60 per area


Fat freezing can selectively target troublesome areas of fat such as stomach fat, love handles, inner thighs, bingo wings, a double chin and back fat. 

Cryopolisis destroys a proportion of fat cells in the treated area. 

FREEZING has become hugely popular in the UK to permanently reduce unwanted areas of stubborn fat on the body and the face WITHOUT SURGERY.  Fat freezing crystallises fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues. These fat cells then break down and die from the cold temperature. The fat is then eliminated by the lymphatic system in your body in the weeks.


This really is an alternative to surgery and a treatment I could do in my sleep, we have helped hundreds and hundreds clients tackle that stubborn fat with this treatment.


What if I want quick results?


This treatment is fantastic when also combined with Ultrasound Cavitation and radio frequency.

It can speed up your results by aiding the fat breakdown process and help to tone and sculpt the area. 

We are all unique so some clients fat may need one session, some may need three,but have no fear we are here to help you achieve your best and quickest results by creating bespoke packages just for you 


Which areas of my body are suitable for fat freezing?



Back fat

Love handles

Inner/outer thighs

Banana rolls ( under butt)


For more information or to book your FREE consultation get in touch




















Love 2 sculpt from £49



Achieve the equivalent of 20,000 squats or 20,000 sit-ups, in just 30 minutes? 

Love 2 sculpt  is a device that not only builds muscles, but burns fat at the same time.


Love 2 sculpt is the first and only non-invasive, body shaping procedure to simultaneously build muscle and burn fat. This game changing technology helps clients to achieve abdominal contouring and increases the strength and stamina of the gluteal area to help take their buttocks to the next level – a revolutionary solution for a non-invasive butt lift.



Love 2 sculpt non-surgical buttock lifting procedure is non-invasive with no needles, no anaesthesia and no downtime. 

For the butt, there's a separate protocol to help build the gluteal muscles to round, pert effect without destroying any of the shape-enhancing fat in the area.


Love 2 sculpt uses a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology stimulates forced muscle contractions using an electromagnetic field, to reduce or remove body fat without surgery. These contractions are extremely important in improving the tone and strength of your muscles cannot be achieved at the gym through voluntary exercise!

Several studies have shown that the involuntary contractions reduce fat by 19% while increasing muscle density by 16% over one course of treatment. They will also experience a significant boost in metabolism, helping to burn calories and eliminate unwanted fat. ...



Some of the Benefits include...


Builds muscle

Burns fat

Lifts buttocks

Strengthens core

Improves posture

Improve Diastasis Recti

Improves metabolism

Safe and effective

No downtime

Non invasive

Course of 4/6 is advised with this treatment. Contact us for discounted price packages.


























CryoSculpt from £49 




Imagine mixing fat freezing with ultrasound cavitation.


sometimes clients fat are not suitable for fat Freezing cups method, so  We use a special mechanism that freezes fat cells followed by ultrasound cavitation to help break down the frozen cells and also rupture deeper fat cells without harming any other cells or organs in the body. The fatty acids  then leave the body as waste product by travelling via the lymphatic system to be flushed from your body.


Ultrasound Cavitation in particular can be combined with any of our other body contouring treatments such as the Fat Freezing cups,  Radio frequency skin Tightening or fat dissolving.




A course of treatments are advised dependent on clients expectations and thickness of fat. 

No down time and results are permanent providing clients follow a healthy diet and follow aftercare.



For more information or to book your FREE consultation get in touch Price from £49.00

 Booty Lift from £35


This treatment helps clients achieve a tighter, lifted and contoured butt within just a few sessions. 

Our procedure has no downtime, is a fraction of the cost of a surgical procedure and is proven to be safe and effective.


The combination of technologies melts the fat pockets that cause dimpled and lumpy skin, repositioning some of malleable fat for a more appealing buttock contour. The broken down fat cells are then deposited naturally through the body, via the lymphatic system.


This treatment is great for reducing loose skin, treating stretch marks and cellulite from the thighs and saddlebags, while simultaneously lifting and shaping the butt.  


During your consultation we will discuss your expectations and make your very own bespoke plan

Price for bum lift is from per session £39 

Benefits of cavitation 




Helps reduce and removes cellulite


Allows you to contour your body


Pain free with no down time


Target specific areas


Quick and effective results


Start seeing results immediately after one session!


Lower Body

Did you know you can mix and match your treatments to create a bespoke treatment package?

Discounts Available!

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